Art exhibition celebrating the centenary of the Magistrates Association

The MA has published MAGISTRATE magazine for 100 years. It is the only magazine dedicated to the magistracy and includes topical articles, interviews, training items and briefings; also legal updates, sentencing steps, case digests and guidance on issues relating to the role of magistrates.
Back issues of the publication chart 100 years in criminal justice and contain a history of the life and times of England and Wales. This informed and formed the basis of our exhibition.
The 10 exhibition themes are topical issues around which both legislation and societal attitudes have evolved considerably in the last century, and might conceivably evolve even further.
These are:
1. Rights of the child
2. Gender and the justice system
3. The role of prison in society
4. Ownership of information
5. Race and criminal justice
6. LGBT+ rights
7. Freedom of expression
8. Freedom of association
9. Victims’ rights
10. The concept of justice
About the Magistrates Association
The Magistrates Association (MA) is a charity established to promote the sound administration of the law, including, but not restricted to, educating and instructing magistrates and others in the law, the administration of justice, the treatment of offenders and the prevention of crime. We are a membership organisation, comprising circa 14,000 sitting and retired magistrates, governed by our members and supported by a small team of staff. For 100 years, we’ve been fighting the magistracy’s corner in a way no one else can because we are independent of any other organisation, including the government.
We provide our members with a collective voice, working with them to influence key decision-makers in Parliament and government to promote the sound administration of the law and the role of magistrates. We also provide free advice, support and guidance for all members; create community engagement opportunities through our Magistrates in the Community initiative; and give magistrates the opportunity to network with their peers locally and nationally.